In the discussion of doing the trend book everyone has agree to do different part from the trend book, as a team everyone should have its own position on work (Belbin, 2010). The decision on design, trends, pen profile are agreed by all the team members. In order to get a final decision and make sure each of the members heading to the same goal. The members are engaged and understand the trends and each of the member can apply in their own task accurately. Each of the member has their own task, colour trend, pen profile, mood board layout and design. In group discussion, all of the group member has different opinions therefore it takes time to make decision. In fact, it is hard to make a decision when a group has different opinions. However, all of the members will come to the point that agree with the decision. The trend book example was really helpful for the whole trend book, the group visual each of the task given. From the example, group members can fully understand the task requirement, it was really helpful. All of us look through the layout details, it supports the collection process of the information. Secondary research on trend book are really helpful for the colour trend AW 20/21.
The difficulties that the group face in the trend book is the design of the new trend. None of the group member has experience in designing and using related software. In that case, one of the group member do the design and I have learnt photo shop skill from a guest lecturer and a classmate for the pattern and colour of the design. I found the new skill, photoshop (PS) is really helpful for the assignment and future design work as well. Finding accurate information from reliable website, wgsn for the trend book is really important. I would like to spend more time on researching for the room of improvement of the overall assignment. Another change I would improve is sharing the document using one drive would be really helpful for all of the group member process too.
